Kata Czéh

Budapest, Hungary

Kata is certified Unified Mindfulness Teacher, therapist, and Psychodrama Facilitator, has an MA degree in Buddhist Philosophy, and a BA in Waldorf Education.

“One of my favourite activities is to guide people in exploring the gentleness that can be discovered and practiced through different ways of using our attention. By being gentle and kind towards ourselves and our experiences, we can uncover the gentleness and kindness that surrounds us, sometimes hidden in challenges and sometimes readily available. I facilitate these explorations through meditation, psychodrama, literature, painting, and therapy.”

Free Drop-ins

Kata offers free drop-in sessions:

Exploring Sensory Experience with Gentleness

Wednesday 11-11.45am ET / 5-5:45pm CET

Beginner or experienced practitioners are all welcome to these sessions, where I will lead lightly guided sessions with different Unified Mindfulness techniques, often visiting the realms of spaciousness and the nurture positive family of techniques.