Brian Dower

Ontario, Canada

Dr. Brian Dower led a thriving chiropractic practice in downtown Toronto for close to twenty years and regularly prescribed Mindfulness training to his patients to help them deal with the stress and turmoil of their day-to-day lives and find a more centered, focused way of living.

Although Brian is retired from active chiropractic practice, his experience as a healthcare provider gives him unique insight into both the detrimental physiological effects of a psyche shadowed with stress as well as the power of the human mind and spirit to heal and succeed.

Brian’s goal is to introduce as many people as possible to the benefits of a Mindful life that’s characterized by clear perception, tranquillity, and joy.

Free Drop-ins

Brian offers free drop-in sessions:

Guided Practice

Tuesdays 7:30-8pm ET / Wednesdays 1:30-2am CET

Gentle guidance each week in core Unified Mindfulness techniques will provide an opportunity for meditators to hone their skills of concentration, clarity and equanimity. Great for those with basic familiarity of UM techniques who would like to sit in community.